Monday, July 12, 2010


So this is the start of a new blog, which is pretty much dedicated to talking about my recent etsy projects and my recent etsy finds.

I am Jordanne (aka Jo) and I am a freelance graphic and web designer working from home while I take care of a stinkin' cute 1 year old. I love him and playing with him... but during his naps I love graphic and web design! We recently moved into a new house and that is really when I started designing things for the individuals and not just businesses. For me, I just wanted my walls to reflect who my family is and what we are about. That is why the primary focus of most of my posters and prints are family and faith based. I hope that others can be encouraged in their faith and families through my work. We'll see what happens!

I started out with just large posters but I recently started adding 8x10s and 10x8s. Here is a poster that I reformatted to the 10x8 size today.

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